Start for serious amateur photographers. In addition to training, adjust sharpness, precision And location. Must also learn the story about the depth of focus image distance control. Often, professional photographers have also experienced difficulty with the dead horse out of this cause.
From the camera using an automated. Neglecting to make learning basic imaging. For example, the control period clearly deeply Resulted in a lack of complete image to be unfavorable.
View NIKON D80.
Clear depth phases (Depth of field)?
Period sometimes called plain deep deep clear the bar. Is the clear front and rear of the position we adjust sharpness. For example, if a person is full page photograph and adjust the focus to the eyes. In theory, the image will be clear that only the eyes of the plane. (Can not adjust the sharpness level as many can not adjust the focus at 3.4 meters or 5 in the same image sharpness that can adjust to any length of time only) we adjust the beam focus from the object to be marked to cut fit with the film plane. But clearly some will like leaves are flat and the same level sensor. Camera for normal (except the camera can adjust the angle of the lens plane and film plane as a camera or some type of camera view. To tweak the focus to a plane) of the cheek and ear background blur to the scene page. Because of the beam from the non-image sharpness is not a point of contrast. But the cross is a large circle. Make pictures out of phase position to adjust the focus blur. We call point and the circle of the beam to traverse the film plane that the Circle of confusion.
Practically, we can control the sharpness of the image plane to increase the sharpness. By reducing the size of the beam through the lens to the film is smaller. That is to reduce the size of the lens, Aperture Smaller Aperture further shrink the size increase? This will make the circle smaller. Until the film and the eye can not identify that Cross beam or the circle is made of a clear image up to a distance that is the clear front and rear of the plane to be adjusted significantly. Or the Depth of field is.View Guide to buy a camera .
Circle of confusion size of the largest, which has become a point of the image makes it clear that we called Permissible circle of confusion, the size of the circle. Are not equal in the hand set manufacturers each lens, because the size of the circle of confusion on stage looking image magnification rate. Differences between the color or lighting scenes with background.
Shedding the image that came to light. Including eye view of the picture as if we see a picture from a distance. We will clearly distinguish the vague image difficult to see over the image near And expand the small image with very large. Will be clear with no clear picture out of more than But in practice, The view most will see an image with distance. Diagonal corners of the image as the receiver's eyes. If it will see a small picture in the near term. Big picture view is so remote, we considered increasing rate of viewing distance and image does not affect the size of the Circle of confusion in practice.View NIKON D80.
The standard. Will set the stage for viewing images on 10 inch by the number of factors. Foreign brands are making the lens focal length equal Aperture sizes are equal. However, a number of cylinder lenses depths unalike But the picture is a ladle equal depths. And the wonder is Not provided with the lens manufacturer that individual should use the size of the Circle of confusion is what will set a general standard size 1 / 1000 inch, or 0.003937 mm but the actual production. Manufacturer's lens will cost from 1 / 70 to 1 / 200 inch.
Shallow depths and clear focus.
The clear front of the stage to adjust the position clear. We are called Phase clear shallow clear the back of the plane clearly. We called clear deep Clear from the last period we call the period such as clear lens size 50 mm to adjust the focus length of 3 meters scale Aperture f/16 focus in front of the stage 2 meters length clear at the back of 10 meters. 10 meters or a significant period of 8 meters.View Buying guide camera DSLR .
DLR 35 mm camera or digital SLR cameras in the current system, Auto Diaphragm Lens Aperture Wide Open will top it all the time. So that users can adjust the focus (focus adjustment), and the images look easy. So the image that appears in the box look sharp images with deep minimal length of the lens that are active when Chatetars capture. Control system allows the camera to Aperture narrow down the actual size Aperture us. Chatetars then it is working. After Chatetars close Aperture will open the same end. If photographers using Aperture f/11 narrow like the photo you will have more depth at a distance clearly visible in the picture peephole.
Shallow and deep focus is clearly defined in one other case. Is clear and blur the scene and background page. If the page scene and blur the background more clearly we called shallow if very clear that we will clear shallow However, because the shallow depths in this case is a clear sense of the view that each People will feel that different.View NIKON D80.
Control depths.
You can control the depths of the image by itself. Depths of the image determined by the size of the Circle of confusion, if we give each brand lens size equal Circle of confusion, we will know that all lens brands. Whether it is or how expensive. If the focal length of equal size and equal Aperture. Phase is marked by deep rate equal magnification does not affect the depths of the image. "Prior to this, and we can control the depths of the image has 3 methods.
Aperture Size Control (F-Number).
Aperture size reduction. Makes clear depth phase front and the back adjusts the sharpness up. But do not forget to clear the bar to see images in eyehole is clear that size Aperture wide end to make sure Aperture value gives a much deeper distinct phases. Can check by pressing the button marked deep at the camera distance (if any)
Adjust the focus length (Focusing distance).
Phase D will vary significantly according to stage sharp Adjust sharpness will make it closer to depths decreased say it is closer pother photography? Image will be less clear phases, respectively.
The focal length of lens (Focal Length).
When imaging distance and size Aperture. Tele Photo lens to image distance is significantly less deep than wide angle lens. Increased focus on more long? Period will be less clear depths, respectively.
When learning about the deep, clear phase. You can put this knowledge. To control the depth of the phase image clearly. When more experienced. Will help in your decision. Control period clearly deeply Is fast. For example, to photograph the scenery and picture clarity. You must use a wide angle lens features a clear deep over Tele Photo Lens Aperture narrow and then adjusted to increase the distance significantly. To provide clear imaging shallow For example, people photography background blur. Adopted as the Tele Photo lens like 100 or 200 mm. Imaged by Aperture wide open and far closer to photography. You will only have a clear picture or shallow background blur easily.View Photography "Dept of Field".
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View Photography "Dept of Field".
View NIKON D80.
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